Why not join us? Rehearsals start September 7th.
We need you! Help to support us!
Not only do we value your support by coming to our concerts, but by assisting us with our fundraising, you can help us maintain the quality of our performances by continuing to engage professional young soloists and orchestras in high profile venues.

Support Us
If you've enjoyed one of our online concerts or would just like to support the Society, donations can be made at justgiving.com/salfordchoral
Do you, your family and friends shop online? If so, you can all help to raise money for Salford Choral Society, supporting us throughout the year each time you shop and it won't cost you a penny more! You can find exactly what you're looking for AND raise money for the choir.
Every time you buy from a featured retailer via easyfundraising.org.uk, the company donates a commission to Salford Choral Society. You pay exactly the same price as you would on the retailers' main sites. Just follow the link to shop with over 2,700 retailers, including:
the RAC
Haven Holidays
Cotswold Outdoor
and lots more.
So click here and start fund-raising!
Thank you!